Old and New “TR Switches”
This page has a lot more information than I was able to include in the August 2018 QST article. The links goes to a 13 page Word file which has most of the additional information on its design, construction and applications. Also, there are links for the LT Spice design files, the PC- Express design file , and spreadsheets for the parts list, loop design and SWR calculations.
- TRS design, construction and applications
- Parts list revised 8/7/18
- PCB Board ordering info 7/16/18
- Schematic 7/27/18
- Assembled PCB 7/28/18
- Silkscreen with Component values 7/28/18
- LT Spice for Simulation
- Magnetic loop design spread sheet
- LT Spice file for Low pass filter/ Impedance matcher simulation
- SWR calculation (vs. C1) spreadsheet
- Link to LT-Spice free simulation program
- Link to Express PCB free design program
- Board Layout and ordering info revised 8-6-18